Snakes as Pets
While snakes do still suffer from the prejudice and bias from the ill-informed public, that perception is slowly changing as snakes gain in popularity as pets.
Today, the most popular species of snakes are docile, stay at manageable sizes and come in a wide a variety of color morphs.
Many species of snake are easy to care for and do not require the daily attention that many mammals do to be healthy and happy.
Please take a look below at our currently available snakes for sale and let us know if you have any questions
The Future of Herpetoculture
Herpetoculture (the keeping of live reptiles and amphibians in captivity) is under constant attack from "animal rights" groups & lobbyists.
Whether you keep cats and dogs, snakes and lizards or ferrets and fish - you are their target.
The United States Association of Reptile Keepers (USARK) are the ones fighting for us. Iron Triangle Reptiles supports them.
With each shipment we send out a small donation is made to USARK. This is to fight not only for our rights to keep reptiles and amphibians but your rights as well.
You can also contribute directly to them to help protect all of our rights to keep reptiles and amphibians.

2021 Reptile Expos
Iron Triangle Reptiles vends at several reptile shows across Northern California.
Please visit our Show Page to see when and where Iron Triangle Reptiles will be vending.